Remembering Love: Divorce and Children

Remembering Love: Divorce and Children

You may be thinking that the above are mutually exclusive. Coming apart is painful, whether you or your partner chose it.  There are likely a bucketful of feelings related to the dissolution of your relationship – anger, sadness, confusion and resentment, not so pleasant.  Add feelings of relief, discovery, freedom, independence, self-reliance and growth when we feel acceptance and resolution.

Valentine’s Day reminds us to celebrate our love relationships. Hopefully we do that more than once a year, even when there is no holiday.   Your children were created out of the love you both felt for each other in the past.  Even though you may not currently feel that love for your former spouse/partner, your children are a constant reminder of that partnership.  Consider offering them a former family picture for their room. It’s comforting for them to know, especially if they can’t recall back when, that there were loving, happy family times.  Relate some funny or nice stories from that period. If the stories are told with both parents present, even better.

So, remember that old love, even though you probably do not feel it now.  Consider forgiveness. Letting go of regret and past anger and actually frees you and demonstrates to your children that it is not useful to hang on to negativity.   We need to spread a little more ‘love’ all over this world.

Happy hearts to all !


The Fine Art of Negotiating With A Pre-Schooler


children and stressToo young to negotiate? No way! Your three year old has likely already has begun the process. At bedtime, “I’m thirsty” [ie, not ready for bed], ” I need another story”. “I need to kiss you again”. Sound familiar? They have begun. Time to negotiate? Absolutely. They know their own needs and wishes and you have years ahead of you to deal with their desires and yours.

Here’s the good news: conflict is an opportunity for resolution and your child can learn an important communication skill. It helps not to see your child’s effort as decision-making NOT only as an attempt to challenge your authority (though that has it’s own meaning, to advance their eventual independence)  but rather to recognize it as a sign of sophistication, intellectually and socially.

At this age, children understand your saying “If you are quiet at the doctor’s, we’ll get ice cream after”. they get the “if…then” statements. Compromise becomes possible when children are able to delay gratification. Compromise is an important tool in life, in so many ways. Children who learn to negotiate in pre-school have an edge. When others want something of his/hers, they an say “I’ll let you play with this if I can use yours”, etc. Such children can more easily cope with the increasingly complex social interactions they face in school.  when they are able to express themselves, there is less likelihood of physicality.

You can encourage your child’s negotiating skills before elementary school. Encourage him/her to make decisions, within certain boundaries that you have set. For example, “Which of these 3 dresses would you like to wear”? [not the whole closet full]. Your child sees you value her opinion and she still gets to make a choice.

Of course, certain things are NOT negotiable (safety, etc.) though you can still deal….”if you let me strap you in, we’ll listen to your favorite music, etc.”.

Let your children hear you negotiate with other adults. Be sure they hear you say, “Honey, you made dinner so I’ll do the dishes,.” Little ones repeat what they see and hear more than what they are told.

Let your child win some negotiations. There’s nothing like success to motivate them to try again. Enjoy and celebrate their new level of skill .

The New Year

Sharon Klepner Licensed Clinical Social Worker

The New Year

We hear about tossing out the old year and ringing in the new one.  We look forward to a new year, new friends, new experiences and challenges.  No matter one’s age, it can be exciting to go forward, not knowing who or what will pop up in our lives.  Especially if you have lived a long time (whatever age you think that is) and like surprises, the future is yours.

But, let’s not forget the old year(s) and all that it has provided us, moving into the future.  We are a product of our past, from way back to recent times.  Past challenges, problems and opportunities helped create who we are now.  There were experiences we learned from and we can use that ‘education’ living it forward.  Likely, there were mistakes made, offering us the opportunity to correct some of them or to reconnect with someone we may miss.  Apologies are about self searching and self-confidence and enhance growth .

Memories of old friends, homes, trips, music, etc. enrich our lives today as we recall some of those moments.  So, anticipate 2019 but don’t ‘toss’ out the past.  select and bring forward whatever will add to the new year and make it even richer.

Happy old and new year !!







Christmas ‘Crankys’

 To young children, eight days can seem forever! The Yule pace has picked up at home and just about everywhere else. Parents are shopping, gathering, decorating, cooking and on and on….busy. They may be distracted, preoccupied and a little testy too. There is the excitement…or even a little stress [depending on the age and personality of a child]… of Santa coming down the chimney. “Will he fit? Can I hear him”?. Ads on TV, school presentations and projects, decorating the tree and the house, all add to the anticipation. “What will he bring me? I can’t wait”!!

 I have a little problem with some of the lyrics in ‘Santa Claus Is Coming To Town’…ta da ta da…” “You better not cry, better not pout” (good luck with that in any given day or week) “ He sees you when you’re sleeping”. Children are prone to ‘magical thinking’ so  why add a little paranoia at bedtime? What’s with “He knows if you’ve been good or bad, so be good for goodness sake”. Santa, NO bad kids! This time of year is especially hard for model behavior. What if they have been cranky and naughty and get presents anyway? Now there’s a confusing double bind message if you stick with the lyrics. Young children are literal and believe what they see and hear…and sing. So, maybe pick another classic to teach them. There are so many … : -)

When possible, slow things down and share your child’s wonder and glee of the holiday. That’s the best gift of all. Happy holidays to you all !

Post Divorce Parenting

Whether you are considering divorce or in the process, you need to think about how you and your partner/spouse will both parent your children. Unless your partner is unavailable or totally incapacitated, for any reason, you are in it together.  There are choices to be made.

Decide between you so no one else gets to mandate your parenting role, the most important job in your life.

  • Do you have similar parenting philosophies and styles – religion, discipline, meals, screen time, etc.?
  • Can you both work through different opinions? Agree on some specifics.
  • Is there flexibility for the children’s benefit?
  • Do you trust each other’s parenting?
  • Can you both put the children before your own feelings?
  • Most important, communication – method… timing, dealing with disagreement.

If you can answer affirmatively on the above, you are ready for cooperative co-parenting. It is the best way for your children to flourish.  They learn that, although you do not want to be with each other anymore, you are able to work together for their benefit.  You will be good role models and add to your children’s sense of security and well-being.

  • Do you both have very different parenting styles?
  • Do you strongly feel very that you are usually right?
  • Is it hard to communicate without arguing, name-calling, etc?
  • Are the children ‘stuck’ between parents?
  • Are stalemates your norm with each other?
  • You both want to have relationship with your children.

If your answers are ‘yes’ to the above, cooperative co-parenting is not going to work for you at this time (though, hopefully, that would change). Parallel parenting is recommended in such situations.  When there is high conflict, parental contact needs to be minimized.  Your Parenting Plan would be more detailed so all (you and the children) know what to expect…a rigid schedule, no last minute changes and no direct parental contact.  Communication needs to be through texting, e-mail or notes, with just the facts… no emotion.  Think of it as a business message.  You all lose flexibility but gain peace of mind if parental contact is discordant.

If cooperative co-parenting is your choice, congratulate yourselves and keep it going!

If you are not able to co-parent in a cooperative manner, please make it a goal !  If you need assistance with that, I am available to help.

Partner/Spouse Communication

INSTEAD OF                                                       TRY 

Another business trip?                          I’ll really miss you.

You never listen to me!                        How can I help you hear this?

It’s your problem!                                  Let’s see how we can fix this .

You  put me down a lot.                         It hurts when you say that.

You don’t care.                                     I feel you are distant…am I right?

You’re always late!                               Can I send you a reminder earlier?

Stop yelling!                                          I hear better if you tone it down.

You deal with the kids now!                  I’m out of options…can you try?

You need to lose weight.                      Let’s exercise… together1


Separated/Divorced Parent Communication

             INSTEAD OF                                           TRY

Where are you?  It’s your time!                    The kids are missing you.

You left them with a sitter, again?                With notice, I’m happy to cover you.

Mac Donald’s all week?                               I can share some healthy choices.

They spent All day on TV ?                          Let’s review some alternatives.

Their homework was not done.                    Here is our homework schedule..

They never call me from your house.           Let’s both have the kids call nightly.

You can’t speak to me that way!                   If you can’t stop, I will need to end now .

There’s no supervision at your house.          Can we agree on some limits for him?

I’m not grounding Jack for you.                     We need to discipline on our own time.

I need a calendar from you!                           Here’s my calendar. Please send yours.




Silence…Not Always Golden

I’m not suggesting to not ‘hold your tongue’ briefly rather than use sarcasm or say something deliberately hurtful.  I am referring to using the ‘silent treatment’.  It’s no treatment at all in the sense of restoring or dealing with a relationship…with a child, friend, partner or spouse or parent.

Long ago, a woman told me that when she did something wrong, as a child, her mother did not speak to her, for a week!  She did not always understand why her words and/or behavior, were not acceptable.  Silence was her mother’s go-to punishment. She felt unloved and, therefore, unlovable.  Many problems, in that and other relationships, ensued.

We all feel upset with friends and family at times.   Ideally, we can discuss our reactions about something they said or did.  We let them know we were hurt and why.  We reach out to them to have a dialogue.  Communication fosters relationships.  If a friend just drops out, the other friend simply does not exist to them anymore.  That hurts and there is no way for the discarded friend’s thoughts and feelings to be heard.

Some couples engage in loud disputes and even throw or break things…not great. At the other end of the spectrum is silence.  Often, with couples, one person has to talk and the other keeps their feelings inside.  Disputes result in a traumatic tango…it does take two.  Something occurs between them and one partner withdraws.  The more s/he pulls back, the more the ‘talker’ needs to hear and be heard.  The silent partner recedes even more and the talker feels placed on the other side of a thick wall, as if s/he did not exist.

Extended silence does not resolve differences. It shuts them down so there is no way to resolve a disagreement.  Those who make up, letting the past be the past, without discussion,  move forward without understanding.  History does repeat itself, especially in relationships.  There are areas in which our personalities either “fit” or don’t fit.   Other situations will engender those differences and we need to know how to settle them in a way that enables us to move along  more  smoothly on the bumpy road of relationships.

Are you the silent one?

  • Are you silent in order to punish?
  • Do you feel you would lose the verbal match?
  • Are you self aware of how you feel in situations?
  • Do you prefer ‘just the facts’ briefly?                                                                      Do you dislike talking about your feelings?
  • Would you prefer to not hear details of others’ feelings?
  • Are you a man, or woman, of few words in general?
  •  Has  this  affected .your relationships?

What to do if you have answered ‘yes’ to the above

  • Acknowledge that the above is your style.
  • If it has affected relationships, reflect.
  • Do you want to alter your response to disputes?
  • If yes, share with those with whom it is an issue.
  • Seek counseling                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Are you the talker?
  • Try not to feel as if you don’t exist
  • Share that you feel abandoned with extended silence.
  • Acknowledge your need to connect and share feelings.
  • Ask if s/he needs some time to gather her/his thoughts.
  • Learn if s/he prefers another way to communicate.
  • Suggest .counseling to learn  a better  way.                                                                                                                                                                                                  Extended silence is not a viable way to settle differences whether it serves as a defensive mode to protect you from a verbal onslaught or to quietly bully. It will cause more problems than it settles. Dare to share !



Coming Apart From A Narcissist?

Let me introduce you to the narcissist.  Narcissism is a personality disorder, which is a maladaptive and deeply ingrained pattern of behavior and personality style. It can develop from our genes, early childhood and teen experiences and the environment in which we are raised.   In general, the narcissist displays a sense of grandiosity and entitlement which can cause him/her to be manipulative, critical, envious of others, and demanding.

Narcissists feel easily slighted, exaggerate their talents, expect special treatment, want the best of everything (because they deserve no less ! ) and are swift to blame others. They are arrogant, to various degrees, need constant attention, and lack empathy.  If they fall short, they are fragile and experience vulnerability and humiliation.  Under the bravado and charm, is a core of insecurity, often unconscious.  Narcisissts  look down at those they consider to be inferior.  There are legions of narcissists on our public stage  in all fields of life.

Are you in a relationship with someone who only seeks to fulfill his/her needs?   Does it seem that their attention to you, and others, is a means to appear giving but is more about getting attention or having their way.  Their charm may have attracted you but, as time passes, you observe that it is superficial and geared to serving their own interests.  What is underneath that public charm is not so pleasant.  You will be told that you have stopped being interested, proud and supportive and that is why your relationship has deteriorated.  It’s never their doing. If your partner cannot recognize or acknowledge any part of their contribution, do not expect any cooperation.  Once they can no longer seduce you into their web, they will accuse you of all the problems in the relationship (please note: we all have some input).

If you admit to some your shortcomings, and that doesn’t make any difference, it may be decision time…to stay or leave.  Such decisions are painful and deserve deep consideration.  If you cannot tolerate your situation and decide to come apart, be prepared.  Try to avoid ‘pressing’ certain buttons that may encourage more abuse.  Do not be reactive to your partner’s behavior.  Focus on protecting yourself, your assets and, if applicable, the children. It will not be easy early on but eventually you will be freer to pursue your own goals.   In addition to family and friends, a counselor and good lawyer are critical supports to help you extract yourself.